::: - Vanillah - de.bug / 2013.09.04 - :::

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Vanillah - de.bug / 2013.09.04
This year marks tenth anniversary of Loris Roggia death.
This year I also met the Race Marshal group Piné Motori, titled to Loris memory, who welcome me and brought with them various services in several rally and events.

One step beyond, let's go back to that February lunch which we presented ourselves and where I exposed a motor illustrations series. Among various yesterday and today race cars I had prepared a Loris portrait, a sketch in anticipation of a project related to a publication devoted to the Venetian co-driver.
I was not able to contribute to the project, but the book has been published and is something very beautiful and very touching, not only for those who have experienced first hand those years and has had the honor to meet Loris Roggia.
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